In China, which university you can go to only depends on your score in Gaokao, because the government in my country wants everyone to get equity in education.

When I was studying oral English with you for the first time, I couldn't even open my mouth. During lessons, you always smile, and you look so warm-hearted, you are a teacher with a strong sense of responsibility. With the course of studying, I have been becoming more and more confident. These days, I always take notes from YouTube videos and other English websites. I will do my best, I think my English can hit a better level.

Hello, teacher! I have an interesting thing that I want to share with you. I had taken part in an online English corner last night. My smartphone has an App that can be used to study English. Last week, this App released a function that allows clients to participate in online activities. It will give you a room, there are four individuals in this room, you can speak to anyone in this room. It's very interesting. I think it's very helpful for me to study oral English. I am participating in an online activity when this lesson ends.

Hello, everyone. My name is Man Yacan, and I am a postgraduate from Hefei, Anhui. Last night, I took part in this online English corner, and I had a wonderful time with three partners. It's an interesting activity, I really like it. So tonight I want to continue doing this. Because not only does this activity help me make friends, but it also improves my spoken English.

My hometown is in the countryside. My father is a driver, and I passed the driving test when I was eighteen years old. I have my own driver's license. So when the Spring Festival comes, I am back home, and my father always teaches me to drive. My mother is a freelancer. Because my sister is too young, my mother should take care of her.

No, that would be the last thing I'd like to do. Because I am not much of a good leader, I have no idea how to motivate employees to work hard.

About sports, I am not much of a fanatic. If I have spare time, I usually jog with my friends. It's a good way to relax and make new friends.

I'd more like writing on computers for most things because it's faster and I can easily share my notes with my friends and classmates.

I think it depends on the situation. If I am in a hurry about something, I'd like to dial. If I want to talk about something in minute detail, I'd like to write emails.

Yes, I do. My hometown is in the countryside. In my house, I have my own yard. I can plant trees and flowers. It's very relaxing.

No. I'm a postgraduate, and I should do arduous work almost every day. My university is far from my hometown. I only go home when the Spring Festival comes.

Yes, chocolate is a common snack in China. It's customary for individuals to buy chocolate for their girlfriends or children.

I'm a diligent student who my teacher can count on in the event of a work emergency.

I'm a programming hobbyist, so in my spare time, I always bury myself in writing code. I am drawn to debug.

As you know, I'm a postgraduate, so I should do arduous work almost every day, and I always work overtime without money.

Sorry, teacher. I will be on a business trip in the afternoon. Maybe we should change the timing of my lessons.

Definitely, when we wear formal dress in our company, it means that we respect our co-workers and care about our profession. And decent costumes can show that we're in good taste.

Yes, I think cooking is an interesting thing. We can buy fresh ingredients to cook by ourselves. Home-cooked meals are more healthy and delicious than fast food.

Yes, the main reason is that in the present day, protecting the environment is an everlasting topic. This mode of travel doesn't release car emissions into the atmosphere. It's environmentally friendly and should be promoted.

Yes, in the present day, individuals working in companies don't like physical activities. So I think walking can help us stay healthy, and it should be promoted.

Yes, in the present day, kids spend too much time on screens, they are starting to dislike physical activities. Sport can help them build team spirit, and they can learn how to get along well with their coworkers in the future.

Yes, in my opinion, reading can broaden their horizons and make them more knowledgeable. It can also improve vocabulary as well as writing skills.

Yes, as far as I'm considered, parks are the lung of a city. There are many flowers and trees that can absorb dust and improve air quality.

Okay, my major is water science. My job is to clean wastewater. In the present day, the individuals in China are paying more attention to the water environment. So this is a fast-growing industry, if you specialize in this subject, you can easily find a decent job.

I suppose the main reason is that individuals want their homes to become more beautiful. When they finish arduous work and return home, it can make them have a happy mood.

Friends play a vital role in my life. As you know, I'm a postgraduate, I battle against pressure from work and life almost every day. My friends always give me advice and tell me how to deal with problems.

About water sports, I'm not much of a fanatic. But I suppose this kind of sport can give individuals a sense of excitement, and it's a stress reliever.

Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival, and it is also called the Qingming Festival. During this festival, individuals in China always visit tombs of their ancestors to clean the gravesites, pray to their ancestors and make ritual offerings.

In all of our lives, parents are the first teachers. So I think parents are exemplary.

Both my father and mother are great cooks. So when I return home during the Spring Festival, I never eat fast food or eat in restaurants. I think home-cooked meals are more delicious and healthy than take-out food, and buying fresh ingredients to cook by ourselves is an interesting thing.

Today I am very busy, my teacher calls me from morning until night.

When I was an undergraduate, I had a classmate who came from Ghana. Ghana is a small country in southern Africa. he is one of my best friends on campus. He always taught me to study spoken English. In his country, English is the official language, so he can speak English fluently. One day, he told me that in his country, people almost never drink hot water. It amazes me. Because in China we usually like to boil water, and then wait for boiling water to cool.

Over the past twenty years, China has undergone remarkable changes. In the present day, my country has a thriving economy. And my country and government give us equity in education. Maybe your family is very poor, but you can improve the quality of your life through hard work.

When I was a kid, my parents wanted me to get a better education, but the city where my hometown located didn't have any famous schools. So my parents took me to another city where had a better school. In this year, I just was seven years old. I needed to learn how to wash clothes, how to get along well with roommates, and how to take care of myself. Life during this period was extremely tough, but I overcame it. This experience taught me a lot.

I lived there for about eighteen years before I went to my college. My university is far from my hometown so I should live in a dormitory for undergraduate education.

It depends on the situation. I am a postgraduate and I need to battle against the pressure from writing essays and doing research experiments. when I feel upset, I think music is a stress reliever and it can alleviate boredom.

No, I never read newspapers. Because in the present day, smart devices are extremely convenient to get up-to-date information in real time, newspapers are already outdated.

I hardly write emails in daily life because it's convenient for me to use smartphone apps to communicate with my family and friends. But I will send emails when I want to talk about something in minute detail.

Hello, teacher. Can you tell me something about mobile payments in your country?

In terms of mobile payments, I think China seems to be ahead of America. In my country, there is a competitive landscape of mobile payments. The dominant competitors are Alipay and WeChat Pay which is owned by Tencent. But Apple company also has a product named Apple Pay. Although Apple company has iconic status, there is almost none of us use Apple Pay. Because WeChat and Alipay understand the market of consumers very well. This company usually gives digital coupons to individuals. These companies make software secure, they give people more privacy.

When I was a kid, I was always shy. If I was in a strange situation, it would give me a sense of insecurity. I didn't like to communicate with other classmates, I was self-contained. But when I became a teenager, I thought I should change myself, because I didn't like my classmates to perceive that I was an aloof and emotionless person.

You know, I have almost completed one year of my postgraduate studies, and still have two years to go. Maybe two years later, I will choose to study for a Ph.D. overseas. But because of the COVID-19, I am not sure whether I can study going abroad. My dream country is Japan, but my teacher wants me to go to Germany to study. In my opinion, Germany is a European country, so I am afraid that white people will discriminate against Asians. These days, I have a dilemma between the two choices.

Definitely yes, you know that maybe two years later I will choose to study for a Ph.D. overseas. When I have a doctor diploma, I can choose to become a professor at a university. In my opinion, this profession has tons of free time, so I can do many things that I want to do. In China, a teacher on compus has a higher social status and has a decent salary.

As far as I am concerned, the best teacher in my heart must know how to encourage students to learn. I have been studying spoken English with you for almost two months. In the past two months, I learned a lot, I conquered tons of difficulty. I appreciate you immensely.

To say "stick in the mud" means someone who never tries new things, never gives it a shot.

To my mind, I think a schedule is important for us to plan our daily lives. You know, I am a postgraduate, and I have arduous work almost every day. if I don't have a daily routine, it's easy for me to forget something. In my opinion, a tight schedule can keep me motivated.

When I was in high school and middle school, my teacher always asked me that I should study reading and writing. My ability to listen and speak is extremely poor. So I want to improve my spoken English, I hope my pronunciation can become more authentic. I think my oral English can hit a better level through my hard work.

About this question, I think the key point is that you and your beloved must have the same values. Only in this situation, you can communicate with each other. For myself, I am a postgraduate, and maybe two years later I will choose to study for a Ph.D. overseas. However, I don't care about whether my wife is well-educated, or whether she comes from an affluent family. But she should have a good heart and a good personality.

To my mind, I don't think so. In our daily life, we must be honest with our partners. But it's unrealistic to be 100%, it depends on the situation. I think there is a grey area in every intimate relationship. Sometimes we worry about the brutal reality, so we should tell a white lie to protect our beloved.

About this question, I am a postgraduate, and I live in my university. So I don't need to rent an apartment. However, when I have a diploma, I should rethink this question. When I want to rent a house, I think the vitally important thing is indoor facilities. If your apartment has good facilities, it will feel like home. And when you rest, you can be comfortable. To my mind, the price is also a key factor when renting an apartment. Currently, house prices in China are extremely expensive. For the people who just come into society, it's not an easy thing to afford.

For myself, maybe two years later I will choose to become a professor at a university. So I think my work is very busy. So I hope my wife can help me to decorate our house. I don't like to add tons of accessories to my house. In terms of the internet, I am a fanatic. So I want to use smart devices to decorate my house.

For myself, maybe two years later I will choose to become a professor at a university. So I think my work is very busy. So I hope my wife can help me to decorate our house. I don't like to add tons of accessories to my house. In terms of the internet, I am a fanatic. So I want to use smart devices to decorate my house.