给水工程:water supply engineering

排水工程:sewerage / wastewater engineering

给水系统:water supply system

排水系统:sewerage system

给水水源:water source

原水:raw water

地表水:surface water

地下水:ground water

苦成水(碱性水):brackish water / alkaline water

淡水:fresh water

冷却水:cooling water


污水:sewage / wastewater

用水量:water consumption


污水量:wastewater flow / sewage flow

用水定额:water consumption norm

排水定额:wastewater flow norm

水质:water quality

渠道:channel / conduit


泵站:pumping house / station

给水处理:water treatment

污水处理:sewage / wastewater treatment

废水处置:wastewater disposal

格栅:bar screen





离子交换法:ion exchange



余氯:residual chlorine

游离性余氯:free residual chlorine

结合性余氯:combinative residual chlorine


污泥处理:sludge treatment

污泥处置:sludge disposal

水头损失:head loss

贮水池:storage reservoir / tank

过河管:river crossing

倒虹管:inverted siphon


异重流:density current

直流水系统:once through system

复用(循环)水系统:water reuse system

生活用水:domestic water

生产用水:process water

消防用水:fire demand

浇洒道路用水:street flushing demand / road watering

绿化用水:green belt / plot sprinkling

未预见用水量:unforeseen demand

自用水量:water consumption in water-works


平均日供水量:average daily coefficient(n. 系数;adj. 共同作用的)

最高日供水量:maximum service coefficient

日变化系数:daily variation coefficient

时变化系数:hourly variation coefficient

最小服务水头:minimum service head

管井:deep / drilled well

管井滤水管:deep well screen

管井沉淀:grit compartment

大口井:dug / open well

井群:battery(n. 一组;蝴蝶.) of wells

渗渠:infiltration gallery

地下水取水构筑物及滤层:inverted layer

泉室:spring chamber

取水构筑物:intake structure


进水间:intake structure


吸水井:suction well

净水构筑物:purification structure

投药:chemical dosing




自然沉淀:plain sedimentation

凝聚沉淀:coagulation sedimentation


助凝剂:coagulant aid

药剂固定储备量:standby reserve

药剂周转储备量:current reserve

沉沙池(沉砂池):desilting basin | grit chamber

预沉池:pre- sedimentation tank

平流沉淀池:horizontal flow sedimentation

异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池:tube (plate)settler

水力循环澄清池:circulation clarifier


悬浮澄清池:sludge blanket clarifier

液面负荷:surface load

气浮池:floatation tank

气浮溶气罐:dissolved air vessel

气浮接触室:contact chamber

快滤池:rapid filter

虹吸滤池:siphon filter

无阀滤池:pressure filter

压力滤池:pressure filter

移动罩滤池:movable hood backwashing filter

料:filtering media

承托层:graded gravel lay

滤速:rate of filtration

滤池配水系统:filter underdrain system

表面冲洗:surface washing


气水反冲洗:air- water washing

滤池冲洗水量:filter wash water consumption

冲洗强度:intensity of back washing

膨胀率:percentage of bed-expansion


清水池:clean- water reservoir

配水管网:distribution / pipe system

环状管网:pipe network

枝状管网:branch system

水管支墩:buttress / anchorage

软化水:softened water

除盐水:demineralized water

高纯水:high- purity water | ultra- high purity water

除硅:desilication | silica removal


酸洗:acid cleaning

石灰浆:lime slurry

石灰乳:milk of lime

树脂污染:resin fouling

树脂降解:resin degradation

离子交换剂:ion exchanger

离子交换树脂:ion exchange resin

弱碱性阴离子交换树脂:weak-base exchange resin

强碱性阴离子交换树脂:strong-base anion exchange resin

弱酸性慢离子交换树脂:weak-acid exchange resin

强酸性阳离子交换树脂:strong-acid cation exchange resin

凝胶型离子交换树脂:gel-type ion exchange resin

大孔型离子交换树脂:macro-reticular type ion exchange resin

磺化煤:sulfonated coal



再生液置换:rinse displacement

二级钠离子交换:two stage sodium ion exchange

顺流再生:co-current regeneration

对流再生:counter-current regeneration

逆流再生:up-flow regeneration

浮动床:fluidized bed

混合离子交换器:mixed bed

空气顶压逆流再生:air hold down C.C.C | air blanket CCR

水顶压逆流再生:water hold down C. C.R | water blanket CC R

无顶压逆流再生:atmospheric press bed CCR

离子交换剂床层膨胀率:ion exchange bed expansion

移动床:moving bed

再生剂耗量:chemical / regenerant consumption

再生剂量:regeneration lever

再生剂计量:chemical measurement


微孔过滤器:micropores filter

双层床:strated / multiped

双室床:double bed

分步再生:stepwise regeneration

工作交换容量:operating capacity



反渗透器:reverse osmosis unit

一级除盐系统:primary demineralization system

单塔单周期移动床:monobed and single cycle moving bed

双塔连续再生移动床:duad bed contactor

单床离子交换器:mono- bed ion exchange

冷却塔:cooling tower

温式冷却塔:dry cooling tower

干式冷却塔:dry cooling tower

干—湿式冷却塔:dry-wet cooling tower

自然通风冷却塔:natural draft cooling tower

机械通风冷却塔:mechanical draft cooling tower

风筒式冷却塔:chimney cooling tower

开放式冷却塔:atmospheric cooling tower

抽风式机械通风冷却塔:induced draft mechanical cooling tower

鼓风式机械通风冷却塔:forced draft mechanical cooling tower

横流式冷却塔:crossflow cooling tower

逆流式冷却塔:counter flow cooling tower


点滴式淋水材料:splash packing

薄膜式淋水材料:film packing

点滴薄膜式淋水填料:splash- film packing

冷却塔配水系统:cooling tower distribution system

槽式配水系统:troughing distribution system

管式配水系统:piping distribution system

管—槽结合式配水系统:pipe-troughing distribution system

池式配水系统:hot water distribution basin

旋转布水器:rotating distributor

溅水嘴:spray nozzle

冷却塔配水竖件:vertical well of water distribution

淋水面积:area of water drenching

淋水密度:water drenching density


冷却水温差:cooling range

除水器:drift eliminator


湿空气回流:recirculation of wet air

喷水池:spray pond

冷却池:cooling pond

深水型冷却池:shallow cooling pond

浅水型冷却池:deep cooling pond

挡热墙:skimmer wall

潜水堰:submerged weir

蒸发损失:evaporation loss

风吹损失:windage loss

渗漏损失:seepage loss

温差异重流:thermal density flow

水面综合散热系数:heat transfer coefficient

循环冷却水:recirculating cooling water

直流冷却水:one-through cooling water

直接冷却水:direct cooling water

间接冷却水:indirect cooling water

补充水:make-up water

旁流:side stream


循环冷却水系统:recirculating cooling water system

直流冷却水系统:once-through cooling water system

敞开式循环冷却水系统:opened recirculation cooling water system

密闭式循环冷却水系统:closed recirculation cooling water system



生物粘泥:slime / biological fouling

污垢热阻:fouling resistance

生物粘泥量:slime content


全面腐蚀(均匀腐蚀):general corrosion

局部腐蚀:localized corrosion

垢下腐蚀:under- deposit corrosion


腐蚀率:corrosion rate

点蚀系数:pitting factor

阻垢:scale inhibition

缓蚀:corrosion inhibition

防腐蚀:corrosion prevention

浓缩倍数:cycle of concentration

系统容积:volumetric content of system

饱和指数:saturation / Langelier index

冷却水处理:cooling water treatment

旁流水处理:side- stream treatment

补充水处理:make- up water treatment


菌藻处理:microbiological control

旁流过滤:side-stream filtration


监测试片:monitoring coupon

腐蚀试片:corrosion coupon

阻垢剂:scale inhibitor


蚀剂:corrosion inhibitor


剥离剂:stripping agent


消泡剂:defoaming agent

污水管道系统:sewer system

合流制:combined system

分流制:separate system


跃水井:drop manhole

事故排出口:emergence outlet

暴雨溢流井(截留井):storm overflow well | intercepting well

防潮门:tide gate

生活污水:domestic sewage | domestic wastewater

工业废水:industrial wastewater

生产污水:polluted industrial wastewater

生产废水:non-polluted industrial wastewater

城市污水:municipal sewage / wastewater

旱流污水:dry weather flow

水体自净:self- purification of water bodies

一级处理:primary treatment

二级处理:secondary treatment

生物处理:biological treatment

活性污泥法:activated sludge process

生物膜法:biomembrance process

双层沉淀池(隐化池):Imhoff tank

初次沉淀池:primary sedimentation tank

二次沉淀池:secondary sedimentation tank

生物滤池:biological / trickling filter


生物转盘:rotating biological disk

生物接触氧化:bio-contact oxidation

曝气池:aeration tank

推流曝气:plugflow aeration

完全混合曝气:complete- mixing aeration

普通曝气:conventional aeration

阶段曝气:step aeration

吸附再生曝气:bios sorption process | contact stabilization

高负荷曝气:high-rate aeration

延时曝气:extended aeration

氧化沟:oxidation aitch

稳定(氧化)塘:stabilization / oxidation pond

灌溉田:sewage farming

隔油池:oil separator

固定布水器:fixed distributor

活动布水器:movable distributor

空气扩散曝气:diffused air aeration

机械表面曝气:mechanical surface aeration

混合液:mixed liquor

堰门:weir gate

原污泥:raw sludge

初沉污泥:primary sludge

二沉污泥:secondary sludge

活性污泥:activated sludge

消化污泥:activated sludge

回流污泥:returned sludge

剩余污泥:excess activated sludge

污泥气:sludge gas

污泥消化:sludge digestion

好氧消化:aerobic digestion

厌氧消化:anaerobic digestion

中温消化:mesophilic digestion

高温消化:thermophilic digestion

污泥浓缩:sludge thickening

污泥淘洗:elutriation of sludge

污泥脱水:sludge dewatering

污泥真空过滤:sludge vacuum filtration

污泥压:sludge pressure filtration

污泥干化:sludge drying

污泥焚烧:sludge incineration

合流水量:combined flow

雨水量:storm runoff

暴雨强度:rainfall intensity

人口当量:population equivalent

重现期:recurrence interval

降雨历时:duration of rainfall

地面集水时间:time of flow

管内流行时间:time of flow

汇水面积:catchment area

充满度:depth ratio

衰面水力负荷:hydraulic surface loading

固体负荷:solid loading

堰负荷:weir loading

容积负荷:volume loading

表面有机负荷:organic surface loading

污泥负荷:sludge loading

需氧量:oxygen demand

供(气)量:oxygen( air)supply

氧转移率:oxygen transfer efficiency

充氧能力:oxygenation capacity

泥饼产率:sludge cake production

污泥回流比:return sludge ratio

污泥浓度:sludge concentration

截流倍数:interception ratio

径流系数:runoff coefficient

总变化系数:peaking variation factor

生化需氧量:biochemical oxygen demand

化学需氧量:chemical oxygen demand

耗氧量:oxygen consumption

悬浮固体:suspended solid

电镀废水:electroplating wastewater

电镀清洗废水:electroplating rinse-wastewater

闭路循环:closed system / loop

连续处理:continuous treatment

间歇处理:batch(n. 一批;v.分批.) treatment

清洗槽:rinse tank

连续式逆流清洗:continuous countercurrent rinsing

间歇式逆流清洗:intermittent countercurrent rinsing

反洗清洗:back spray rinsing

清洗用水定额:rinsing water nor

末级清浣槽浓度:final rinse tank concentration

清洗倍率:rinsing rate

碱性氯化法:alkaline chlorination process

一级氧化处理:first stage oxidation treatment

二级氧化处理:second stage oxidation treatment

槽内处理法:tank treatment

铁氧体法:ferriter technique

树脂交换容量:resin exchange capacity

空间流速:space flow rate

交换流速:exchange flow rate

再生周期:regeneration period

离子交换柱:ion exchange column

电解处理法:electrolytic treatment

电极密度:electrode density

极距:electrode distance

双极性电极:bipolar electrode

不溶性阳极:insoluble anode

周期换向:periodic reversal

脉冲电解:pulse electrolysis

流出水头:static pressure for outflow

给水额定流量:rate of flow

设计秒流量:design flow / load

卫生器具当量:fixture unit

设计小时耗热量:heat consumption

热水循环流量:hot water circulating flow

循环附加流量:additional circulating flow

配水点:points of distribution

上行下给式:upfeed system

下行上给式:downfeed system

单向供水:one way service pipe system

双向供水:multi-way service pipe system

竖向分区:vertical division block

明设:exposed installation

暗设:concealed / embedded installation

回流污染:backflow pollution

空气间歇:air gap

粪便污水:soil(n. 土壤、粪水.)


水流转角:angle of turning flow

内排水系统:interior storm system

外排水系统:outside storm system

集中热水供应系统:central heating system

开式热水供应系统:open system of hot water supply

单管热水供应系统:single pipe system of hot water supply

自然循环:natural circulation

机械循环:mechanical circulation

第一循环管系:primary circulating system

第二循环管系:secondary circulating system

引入管:service / inlet pipe

排出管:building drain | outlet pipe

立管:vertical pipe | riser | stack

横管:horizontal pipe

悬吊管:hanged pipe


检查口:chuckhole / checkpipe

存水弯:tap | water-sealed joint

水封:water seal


伸顶通气管:stack vent

专用通气立管:specific vent stack

主通气立管:main vent stack

副通气立管:secondary vent stack, assistant vent stack

环形通气管:loop vent

器具通气管:fixture vent

结合通气管:yoke vent(pipe)

间接排水管:indirect waste pipe

雨水斗:rain strainer

回水管:return pipe


气压给水设备:pneumatic tank

隔油井:grease interceptor

降温池:cooling tank

化粪池:septic tank

接触消毒池:disinfecting tank

泵站:pumping station

补充水:make-up water