· Unit 1
给水工程: water supply engineering
排水工程: sewerage engineering
市政工程:Municipal engineering
市政工程师:Municipal engineer
环境工程: environmental engineering
水力学 :hydranlies
水环境:natural aquatic environment
流域: watershed
水体: waterbody
地表水:surface water
天然含水层:natural aquifer
地下含水层: underground aquifer
水文循环:natural hydrologic cycle
降水: precipitation
城市水文循环:urban hydrologic cycle
水源:water source
水资源:water resource
取水:water withdrawal
水处理:water treatment
配水:water distribution
用水:water use
废水收集:wastewater collection
废水处理:wastewater disposal
受纳水体:receiving waters
污染:pollution pollute
水污染:water pollution
水污染控制:water pollution control
水污染防治:water pollution prevention
污水回用:wastewater reuse
· Unit 2
水短缺:water scarcity
地水资源:surface water resource
管网:Pipe Network
供水系统:water supply system
市政配水系统:municipal distribution system
建筑给水系统:house water supply system
分区供水系统:dual distribution system
小区:micro district
小社区:small community
冷水供水系统:cold water supply system
热水供水系统:hot water supply system
消防系统:fire protection system
喷淋系统:fire protection sprinkler system
自动水幕系统:automatic drencher system
半自动水幕系统:semi automatic drencher system
排水系统:drainage system
生活排水系统:sanitary system
工业排水系统:industrial system
雨水排水系统:stormwater system
合流制:combined sewers
分流制:separate sewers
建筑排水系统:building drainage system
卫生洁具:plumbing fixtures
卫浴设备:bathroom fixtures
输水系统:water transmission system
漏水率:leakage rate
配水系统:water distribution system
环状管网:grid system
支状管网:branching system
下水管道:sanitary sewer
污水节流管:intercepting sewer
污水节流系统:intercepting sewer system
污水节流井:sewage intercepting cell
支管:collection sewer / collector sewer
生活污水:sanitary sewage / domestic sewage / domestic wastewater
工业污水:industrial wastewater
工业污水/液/物:industrial wastes
农业用水:agricultural wastewater / wastes
雨水:rainwater / stormwater
明渠:open channel
深度:excavation depth
水力分析:hydraulic analysis
水头:pressure head
总水头:total head
· Unit 3
水头损失:Head loss
速度头/动压头:Velocity head
静压:Static head
摩擦水头:Friction head
水力坡度线:Hydranlic grade line
重力流:Gravity flow
水塔:Water castle
泵站:Pump station
给水泵站:Water pump station
污水泵站:Sewage station
提升泵站:Lift pumping plant
增压泵:Booster pump
离心泵:Centrifugal pump
深井泵:Well pump
阀门: Valve
闸阀:Gate valve
泵送系统:Pumping system
流量:Flow rate
流速:Fluid velocity
层流:Laminar flow
滞流粘性流:viscous flow
过渡流:Transitional flow
湍流:Turbulent flow
紊流:Turbulence flow
涡流:Eddying flow
雷诺数:Reynolds number
水质:Water quality
水源:Water sources
供水水源:Water supply
原水:Raw water
未处理水:Untreated water
出水:Finished water
原水水质:Raw- water quality
水质标准:Water quality standards
水质要求:Water quality requirements
饮用水:Drink water / potable water
自来水:Tap water
纯水:Pure water
饮用水标准:Drinking water standards
饮用水一级标准:Primary drinking water standards
最大允许浓度:Maximum permissible levels / maximum allowable levels
最大污染物浓度:Maximum contaminant levels
主要污染物:Primary contaminants
有机化合物:Organic chemicals
合成有机化合物:Synthetic organic chemicals
挥发性有机化合物:Volatile organic chemicals
无机化合物:Inorganic chemical
微生物:Micro organisms / microbes
微生物污染:Microbial contaminants
病原微生物:Pathogenic micro organisms
病毒:Pathogenic bacteria
感官性状:Esthetic(adj. (=aesthetic(al))美的;审美的;艺术的 ) qualities
水质物理参数:Physical parameters of water quality
水的物理性质:Physical quality of water
浊度值:Turbidity values
浊度单位:Turbidity unit
嗅阈值:Threshold odor number
化学性质:Chemical quality
水质化学参数:Chemical parameters of water quality
溶解氧:Dissolved oxygen(DO)
溶解氧浓度:Do level
溶解氧平衡:Do balance
氧损:Oxygen depletion
有机污染物:Organic pollutant
生化需氧量:Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)
总氮:Total nitrogen(TN)
总凯式氮: Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN)
悬浮固体:Suspended solids(SS)
总悬浮固体:Total suspended solids(TSS)
总溶解:Total dissolved(TDS)
溶解的铁和锰:Dissolved iron and manganese
有害物质:Toxic and hazardous materials
急性毒性:Acute toxicity
慢性毒性:Chronic toxicity
基因毒性:Genetic toxicity
难降解有机化合物:Refractory organic chemicals
永久性有机污染物:Persistent organic pollutants
致癌化学性:Carcinogenic chemicals
杀菌剂:Germicide(Germ n. 病菌,萌芽.)
清洗剂:Cleaning agent
发泡剂:Foaming agent
营养水平:Trophic level
· Unit 4
原污水:Raw sewage
原废水:Raw wastes
处理水:Treated wastes
水处理过程:Water processing
处理方法:Treatment method
处理费用:Treatment costs
处理单元:Treatment process
运行模式:Operational mode
间歇处理方式:Batch(n. 一批;v. 分批处理) treatment approach
调水池:Equalization storage
调节池:Equalization tank
水池:Storage tank
物理法:Physical process
物理处理:Physical treatment
物理处理过程:Physical treatment process
一级处理:Primary treatment
初步处理:Preliminary treatment
格栅:Screen / Bar screen
钢栅条:Steel bars
渣耙:Cleaning rakes(Rake:n. 耙子;v. 搜索)
圆形破碎机:Circular grinder
除砂:Grit removal
沉砂池:Grit chamber
沉淀池:Settling tank
初澄清池:Primary clarifier
初沉池:Primary settling tank
一级出水:Primary effluent
二级处理:Secondary treatment
二级处理工艺:Secondary treatment process
生物处理:Biological treatment
二澄清池:Secondary clarifier
二沉池:Secondary settling tank
最终澄池:Final clarifier
最终沉淀池:Final settling tank
二级出水:Secondary effluent
三级处理:Tertiary treatment
深度处理:Advanced treatment
废水消毒:Waste disinfection
出流出水:Effluent flow
允许浓度:Allowable levels
优异出水:High- quality polished(adj.优美的、擦亮的.) effluent
污水处理厂:Wastewater \ Sewage treatment plant
二级处理厂:Secondary treatment plant
城市污水处理:Municipal wastewater treatment
市政工程:Municipal engineering
土木工程:Civil engineering
城市污水处理厂:Municipal wastewater treatment plant
污水处理能力:Sewage treatment capacity
污水处理设施:Municipal treatment facilities
多反应器设施:Multi- reactor facility
处理池:Treatment tank
水力负荷:Hydraulic loading
污染负荷:Pollutant load
有机负荷:Organic load
无机负荷:Inorganic load
不含化肥、农药 无机的:Unorganic
周期性负荷:Periodic / intermitlent loading
· Unit 5
混凝:n. coagulation
混凝过程:coagulation process
化学混凝:chemical coagulation
凝聚:n. aggregation
絮凝:n. flocculation v. flocculate
异向絮凝:perikinetic flocculation
同向絮凝:orthokinetic flocculation
混凝剂:n. coagulant
混凝剂投量:coagulant dosage
烧杯实验:jar test
最佳混凝剂投量:optimum coagulant dosage
助凝剂:coagulant aid / flocculation aid
聚电解质:n. polyelectrolytes
快速混合:flash- mix / rapid-mix
快速混合器:flash mixer / rapid mixer
混合池:mixer tank
快速混合池:flash- mix tank
絮凝器:n. flocculator
絮凝池:flocculation tank
固体接触池:solids- contact tank
澄清:n. clarification v. clarify
澄清池:n. clarifier
高负荷澄清池:high rate clarifier
澄清水:clarifying water
沉淀:n. sedimentation
自由沉降:plain(n. 平原;v. 清楚的、明白的.) settling
拥挤沉降:hindered(v. 阻止、防碍;adj. 后面的) settling
重力沉降:gravity settling
沉淀池:settling tank
沉淀池、沉降池:sedimentation tank
矩形沉淀池:rectangular settling tank
圆形沉淀池:circular settling tank
管式沉淀池:tube settler
斜管沉淀池:steeply inclined tube settler
板式沉淀池:parallel- plate settler / plate separator
泡沫分离:foam separation
溶气气浮:dissolved- air floatation
气浮池: floatation tank
表面撇渣装置:surface- skimming device(skim v. 略过、跳过、撇去)
浮渣:n. scum
浮渣槽:scum trough
刮泥机:sludge scraper
排泥:sludge drawoff / sludge withdrawal
预沉淀 n. presedimentation
预沉淀池:presedimentation basin
过滤 n. filtration
慢滤池:slow filter
快滤池:rapid filter
高速(负荷)滤池:high rate filter
砂滤池:sand filter
慢砂滤池:slow sand filter
快砂滤池:rapid sand filter
重力滤池:gravity filter
压力滤池:pressure filter
过滤介质、滤料:filter medium
石英砂 :silica sand
无烟煤:n. anthracite
硅藻土:diatomaceous earth
煤—砂滤床:coal- sand beds
多层滤料:multilayered media
混合滤料:mixed media
双层滤料滤池:dual media filter
双层滤池:two- layer filter
粗滤料:coarse media
细滤料:fine media
助滤剂:filter aid
滤后水、滤出水:filtered water
滤后水、滤池出水:filter effluent
浊度穿透:turbidity breakthrough
过滤周期:filter cycle
清洗周期:cleaning cycle
刮砂法:scraping method
表面刮砂:surface scraping
水力反冲洗:hydraulic backwashing
水力分级:hydraulic grading
消毒:n. disinfection v. disinfect
消毒剂:n. disinfectant disinfection agent
杀菌剂: germicide
消毒过程:disinfection process
消毒副产物:disinfection By-products
氯化 n. chlorination V. chlorinate
氯化水:chlorinated water
预氯化:n. prechlorination
氯化消毒副产物:by-products of chlorination
化学消毒剂:chemical disinfectants
液氯:liquid chlorine / liquefied chlorine
次氯酸钠:sodium hypochlorite
二氧化氯:chlorine dioxide
臭氧化、臭氧消毒:n. ozonation
臭氧化:v. ozonate
紫外线:ultraviolet radiation (UV)
伽马射线:gamma radiation
灭活:n. inactivation v. inactivate
接触时间:contact time
需氯量:chlorine demand
加氯量、投氯量:chlorine dosage / applied chlorine
自由氯,游离氯:free chlorine / free available chlorine
化合氯:combined chlorine
剩余保护:residual chlorine
自由余氯:free residual chlorine
自由氯余量:free chlorine residual
化合余氯:combined residual chlorine
化合氯余量:combined chlorine residuals
折点氯化(法):breakpoint chlorination
折点氯化曲线:breakpoint chlorination curve
折点加氯量:breakpoint dosage
氯折点:chlorine breakpoint
压力钢瓶:pressured steel cylinder
臭氧发生器:ozone generator
需臭氧量:ozone demand
剩余臭氧量:ozone residual
剩余臭氧:residual ozone
致病微生物、病源微生物:pathogenic microorganisms
病原体:n. pathogens
致病细菌或病毒:pathogenic bacteria or viruses
细菌:n. bacteria
大肠杆菌:Escherichia coli
阿米巴氏菌:amoebic cysts
孢子、芽孢:n. spores
病毒:n. viruses
藻类:n. algae
原生动物:n. protozoa
氧化:oxidation 还原:reduction
氧化剂:n. oxidant
强氧化剂:strong oxidizing agent
离级氧化法((AOP):advanced oxidation process
高级氧化工艺(AOP):advanced oxidation process
高级氧化过程((AOP):advanced oxidation process
高级氧化技术((AOT):advanced oxidation technology
吸附 n. adsorption
活性炭(AC):activated carbon
粉末炭(PAC):powdered activated carbon
粒状炭(GAC): granular activated carbon
颗粒活性炭(GAC):granular activated carbon
活性炭纤维(ACF): activated carbon fiber
再生:n. regeneration v. regenerate
吸附剂:n. adsorbent
吸附质:n. adsorbate
吸附塔、吸附柱:adsorption column
吸附床:adsorption bed
空床接触时间:empty bed contact time
吸附带:mass transfer zone
快速小柱试验:rapid small scale column test
生物活性炭(BAC):biological activated carbon
离子文换:n. ion exchange
离子交换树脂:ion exchange resin
离子交换器:ion exchanger
离子交换柱:ion exchange column
硬度:n. hardness
除硬:hardness removal
软化:n. softening v. soften
化学软化:chemical softening
沉淀软化:precipitation softening
除盐.脱盐: n. desaltination v. desalt
去矿化:n. demineralization v. demineralize
离子交换软化法:ion exchange softening process
离子交换除盐法:ion exchange desalting process
复床:combined bed
混合床:mixed bed
膜分离:membrane separation
微滤:n. microfiltration
超滤:n. hyperfiltrat
纳滤:n. nanofiltration
反渗透:reverse osmosis
渗透:n. osmosis
半透膜:semipermeable membrane
电渗析:n. electrodialysis
渗析:n. dialysis
中和:n. neutralization v. neutralize
酸性废水:acidic wastes
化学沉淀:chemical precipitation
沉淀软化:precipitation softening
电解:n. electrolysis
电除盐(EDI):n. electrodeionization
吹脱、汽提法:n. stripping
冷却:n. cooling
冷却水:cooling water
冷却塔:cooling tower
生物反应器:n. bioreactor
微生物:n. microorganisms microbes
微生物种群:microbial population
混合群落:mixed communities
细菌:n. bacteria
原生动物:n. protozoa
真菌:n. fungi
轮虫:n.= rotifer
生长:n. growth
繁殖:n. reproduction
世代时间:generation time
生长速率:growth rates
环境因子:environmental factors
生态因子:ecological factors
微生物生长动力学:microbial growth kinetics
退滞期:lag phase
对数生长期:exponential- growth phase
减速生长期:decling growth phase
稳定期:stationary phase
内源呼吸阶段:endogenous stage
内源生长期:endogenous growth phase
内源呼吸:endogenous respiration
底物,基质:n. substrate
底物(基质)利用:substrate utilization
生物量:n. biomass
生物反应:biological reaction
生物氧化:biological oxidation
生物降解:n. biodegradation
生物降解性:n. biodegradability
不可生物降解的:a. nonbiodegradable
生物处理:biological treatment
废水生物处理:biological wastewater treatment
废水生物处理系统:biological wastewater treatment system
污水生物处理系统:biological sewage treatment system
生物处理法:biological treatment process
生物处理装置:biological treatment unit
串联:In series
悬浮生长处理法:suspended-growth treatment processes
生物固体:biological solids
活性污泥:activated sludge
附着生长处理法:attached-growth treatment processes
附着的微生物:attached microbes
微生物附着生长:attached microbial growth
生物膜:n. biofilm
代谢:n. metabolism V. metabolize
稳定,稳定化:n. stabilization v. stabilize
生物代谢:biological metabolism
微生物代谢:microbial metabolism
好氧的:a. aerobic
好氧菌:aerobic bacteria
好氧微生物:aerobic microorganisms
好氧氧化:aerobic oxidation
厌氧菌:anaerobic bacteria
厌氧氧化:anaerobic oxidation
兼性的:a. facultative
兼性菌:facultative bacteria
好环境:aerobic environment
厌氧环境:anaerobic environment
营养物:n. nutrients
无机营养物:Inorganic nutrients
营物去除:nutrient removal
营养物生物去除:biological nutrient removal
脱氮除磷:nitrogen and phosphorus removal
生物硝化:biological nitrification
硝化菌:nitrifying bacteria
生物反硝化、生物脱氮:biological denitrification
生物除磷:biological phosphorus removal
活性污泥法:activated sludge process
微生物:n microorganisms
细菌:n. bacteria
生物絮体:biological floc
微生物絮体 microbial floc
活性污泥:activated sludge
絮状活性污泥:flocculate- bacterial sludge
回流活性污泥(RAS):returned activated sludge
回流污泥:returned sludge
回流污泥 recycled sludge
剩余污泥:excess sludge
废活性污泥(WAS):waste activated sludge
废污泥:waste sludge
曝气池:aeration tank
曝气池:aeration basin
曝气池:aeration chamber
完全混合曝气池:completely mixed aeration(n. 通风、换气) basin
活性污泥池:activated sludge tank
曝气:n. aeration
混合:n. mixing
曝气系统:aeration system
曝气器:n. aerator
压缩空气:compressed air
空气压缩机、空压机:air compressor
鼓风机、风机:n. blower
循环 / 切换:n. cycling/ switch over
扩散装置、扩散器:n. diffuser
空气扩散装置、空气扩散器:air diffuser
鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器):bubble air diffuser
微气泡扩散装置(扩散器):fine-bubble diffuser
扩散板:plate diffuser
扩散管:tube diffuser
扩散罩:dome(n. 穹顶、圆屋顶;v. 给……加圆屋顶.) diffuser
微气泡扩散曝气:fine-bubble diffused aeration
微气泡:fine- bubble
大气泡:coarse- bubble
静态混合器:static mixer
机械曝气系统:mechanical aeration systems
机械曝气:mechanical aeration
表面曝气:surface aeration
表面曝气器:surface aerator
需氧量:oxygen demand
供气量:air supply
氧转移效率:oxygen transfer efficiency
可沉降固体:settleable solids
挥发性固体:volatile solids
非挥发性固体:nonvolatile solids
挥发性悬浮固体(VS):volatile suspended solids
混合液:mixed liquor
混合液悬浮固体(MLSS):mixed Iiquor suspended solid
混合液挥发性悬浮固体( MLVSS):mixed liquor volatile suspended solids
污泥沉降比(SV):settling velocity
污泥容积指数(SVD):sludge volume index
比耗氧速率(SOUR):specific oxygen uptake rate
污泥龄:sludge age
曝气池容积:aeration tank volume
曝气时间:aeration period
曝气时间:aeration time
水力停留时间(HRT):hydraulic residence time
水力负荷:hydraulic loading
BOD负荷:BOD loading
普通(传统)活性污泥法:conventional activated sludge process
标准活性污泥法:standard activated sludge process
传统活性污泥厂:conventional activated sludge plant
阶段曝气活性污泥:step aeration activated sludge process
分段:v. step
进水负荷:influent load
分段进水:step loading
渐减:V. taper
渐减曝气:tapered aeration
接触稳定活性污泥法:contact stabilization activated sludge process
再曝气:n. reaeration
完全好氧处理法:complete aerobic treatment process
高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法:high-rate(completely mixed )activated sludge process
延时曝气活性污泥法:extended aeration activated sludge process
延时曝气法:extended aeration process
延时曝气:extended aeration
氧化沟:oxidation ditch
水平转刷:horizontal rotor
转刷曝气:rotor aeration
笼型转刷:caged rotor
吸附一生物降解工艺(AB法):adsorption-biodegradation process
序批式活性污泥法(SBR法):sequencing batch reactor (SBR )process
序批式活性污泥法(SBR法):sequential batch reactor(SBR)process
SBR法:SBR process
序批式反应器(SBR):sequencing batch reactor(SBR)
序批式反应器(SBR):sequential batch reactor
初沉:primary clarification
曝气:n. aeration
二沉:secondary clarification
初沉池:primary clarifier
二沉池:secondary clarifier
泵送系统:pumping system
活性污泥法:activated sludge process
变体:n. variant
SBR运行周期:SBR cycle
处理周期:process cycle
进水阶段:fill phase
进水阀:influent valve
反应阶段:react phase
沉淀阶段:settle phase
清水、上清液:clear water
上清液:n. supernatant
排水阶段:draw phase
滗水阶段:decant phase
滗水装置:decant mechanism
闲置阶段、待机阶段:idle phase
营养物去除 nutrient removal
营养物生物去除:biological nutrient removal
碳源:carbon source
硝化:n. nitrification v. nitrify
硝化菌:nitrifying bacteria
反硝化:n. denitrification v. denitrify
脱氮:n. denitrification
生物反硝化、生物脱氮:biological denitrification
缺氧一好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法):anoxic-oxic process
厌氧一缺氧一好氧法(A2/0法):anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process
A-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺:anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process
脱氮除磷:nitrogen and phosphorus removal
厌氧氨氧化( ANAMMOX):anaerobic ammonium oxidation
生物除磷:biological phosphorus removal
膜生物反应器(MBR):membrane biological reactor
生物膜:n. biofilm
生物膜反应器:biofilm reactor
生物滤池:n. biofilter
生物过滤:n. biofiltration
旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler
填料:n. packings
滴滤池:trickling filter
普通生物池:trickling filter
高负荷生物滤池:high-- rate filter
塔式生物滤池:tower biofilter
曝气生物滤池(BAF):biological aerated filter
生物转盘法:biodisc process
生物转盘:n. biodisc
塑料盘片:plastic discs
轻质盘片:lightweight discs
水平轴:horizontal shaft
生物粘液:biological slime
粘液层:slime layer
生物流化床:biological fluidized bed
生物流化床反应器:fluidized-bed bioreactor
移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR):moving-bed biofilm reactor
发酵:n. fermentation v. fermentate
产酸细菌:n. acidogens
产甲烷细菌:n. methanogens
产酸阶段:acidogenic phase
产甲烷阶段:methanogenic phase
水解:n. hydrolysis
产酸发酵:acidogenic fermentation
产氢产乙酸:H2- producing acetogenesis
产酸菌:acid formers
产甲烷菌:methane formers / methane-forming bacteria
有机酸:organic acids
挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs):volatile fatty acids
硫酸盐还原:sulfate reduction
硫酸盐还原:sulfate-reducing bacteria
上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB):upflow anaerobic sludge blanket
上升流速:upflow velocity
厌氧折流板反应器(ABR):anaerobic baffled reactor
两段或两级厌氧生物处理:two-stage anaerobic biotreatment
两相厌氧生物处理:two-phase anaerobic biotreatment
产酸相:acidogenic phase
产甲烷相:methanogenic phase
消化:n. digestion
消化池:n. digestor
厌氧消化:anaerobic digestion
污泥消化:sludge digestion
厌氧消化池:anaerobic digestor
厌氧接触法:anaerobic contact process
厌氧膨胀床反应器:anaerobic expanded-bed reactor
厌氧流化床反应器:anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor
厌氧生物转盘:anaerobic rotating biological contactor
自然净化系统:natural purification system
稳定塘:stabilization ponds / stabilization lagoons
氧化塘:oxidation ponds
土地处理系统:land treatment systems
废水土地处理:land treatment of wastewater
净化过程:purification process
自然净化:natural purification
污水塘:sewage lagoon
氧化塘:oxidation ponds
好氧塘:aerobic pond
兼性塘:facultative pond
好氧生化反应:aerobic biochemical reaction
厌氧生化反应:anaerobic biochemical reaction
厌氧分解:anaerobic decomposition
厌氧分解:decompose anaerobically
好氧稳定:aerobic stabilization
细菌:n. bacteria
藻类:n. algae
微型植物:microscopic plants
出流、出水:effluent flow
厌氧塘:anaerobic pond
曝气塘:aerated pond
修饰塘:polishing pond
熟化塘:maturation lagoon
深度处理塘:advanced treatment pond
三级处理塘:tertiary treatment pond
土地处理工艺(过程):land treatment processes
关键因素:critical factors
土壤类型:soil type
土地处理系统:land treatment systems
慢速土地处理系统:slow rate land treatment system
低负荷土地处理系统:low-rate land treatment system
三级处理水平:tertiary treatment level
灌溉:n. Irrigation Irrigate
土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质:natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil
投配的废水:applied wastewater
垄——沟表面布水:ridge-and-furrow surface spreading
喷洒布水系统、喷灌布水系统:sprinkler systems
快速渗滤土地处理系统:rapid infiltration land treatment system
渗滤一渗透土地处:infiltration-percolation land treatment
快速渗滤:rapid infiltration
快速渗滤法:rapid infiltration method
过滤作用:filtering action
吸附作用:adsorption action
地表漫流土地处理系统:overland flow land treatment system
地表漫流:overland flow
径流集水沟:runoff collection ditch
物理、化学和生物过程:physical, chemical, and biological processes
天然湿地:natural wetland
人工湿地:constructed wetland / man-made wetland
污泥:n. sludge
生活污水污泥:sewage sludge
污泥体积、污泥量:sludge volume
原污泥:生污泥:raw sludge
新鲜污泥、生污泥:fresh sludge
消化污泥、熟污泥:digested sludge
混合污泥:mixed sludge
污泥处理:sludge treatment
污泥处置:sludge disposal
最终处置:ultimate disposal
填埋:n. landfill
污泥减量:sludge volume reduction
污泥稳定化:sludge stabilization
(污泥)浓缩:n. thickening(thick adj.厚的、浓厚的.)
污泥浓缩:sludge thickening
稳定、稳定化:n. stabilization v. stabilize
稳定了的污泥:stabilized sludge
调理(调节):v. conditioning n. condition
脱水:n. dewatering v. dewater
干化:n. drying
泥干化场:sludge drying bed
污泥干燥:heat drying
干燥器:n. dyer
污泥焚烧、污泥焚化:n. incineration
焚烧炉,焚化炉:n. Incinerator
污泥浓缩:sludge thickening
物理过程:physical process
含水过多的污泥:watery sludge
稀污泥:thin sludge
处理装置:treatment unit
浓缩池:n. thickener
重力浓缩:gravity thickening
重力浓缩池:gravity thickener
circular sewage sedimentation tank
刮泥机:sludge scraper
搅拌作用:stirring action
底流:n. underflow
浓缩的底流:thickened underflow
浓缩污泥:thickened sludge
出水:n. effluent
上清液:n. supernatant
溢流:v. overflow
堰:n. weir
气浮浓缩:floatation thickening
溶气气浮:dissolved- air floatation
气浮池:floatation tank
入流污泥:influent sludge
污泥絮体:sludge flocs
撇去:v. skim
漂浮污泥层:floating sludge layer
污泥消化 sludge digestion
消化池:n. digester
消化池装置:digester unit
消化:n. digestion
有机固体:organic solids
生化分解:biochemical decomposition
好氧消化:aerobic digestion
好氧污泥消化:aerobic sludge digestion
好氧消化过程:aerobic digestion process
活性污泥池:activated sludge tank
预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统:prefabricated (package)activated sludge treatment systems
预制的接触稳定:prefabricated contact stabilization
延时曝气处理系统:extended aeration treatment system
BOD负荷:BOD loading
细胞物质:cellular mass
内源衰亡:endogenous decay
厌氧消化:anaerobic digestion
厌氧污泥消化:anaerobic sludge digestion
有盖的圆形池:covered circular tank
消化过程:digestion process
厌氧消化过程:anaerobic digestion process
生化反应:biochemical reactions
有机酸:organic acids
挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs):volatile fatty acids
甲烷气:methane gas
末端产物:end product
污泥消化池气体:sludge digester gas
污泥沉淀:sludge settling
污泥储存:sludge storage
消化污泥:digested sludge
充分消化的污泥:well-digested sludge
消化池上清液:digester supernatant
中温消化:mesophilic digestion
高温消化:thermophilic digestion
污泥脱水:sludge dewatering
混合堆肥:co- composting
污泥处理总成本:overall sludge-handling costs
地表水资源:surface water resource
地下水资源:groundwater resource
水短缺:water scarcity
回用:n. v. reuse
废水回用:wastewater reuse
直接回用:direct reuse
直接废水回用:direct wastewater reuse
间接回用:indirect reuse
间接废水回用:indirect wastewater reuse
出水处理:effluent treatment
回用水:reclaimed water
排放:n. v. discharge
保留:n. retention
循环:n. recycling
部分处理:n. partial treatment
最终用途:end use
城市污水回用:municipal wastewater reuse
灌溉:n. irrigation
景观灌溉:landscape irrigation
地下水回灌:groundwater recharge
市政回用:municipal reuse
直接市政回用:direct municipal reuse
深度处理、高级处理:advanced treatment
分质供水系统:dual- distribution system
间接市政回用:indirect municipal reuse
供水系统、给水系统:water supply system
取水口:n. intake
天然同化能力:natural assimilative capacity
人工回灌:artificial recharge
深井注射:dep- well injection
浅表布水:shallow surface spreading
渗透:n. percolation
工业回用:industrial reuse
工艺废水、过程废水:process wastewater
工艺补充水、过程补充水:plant process makeup water
冷却塔水:cooling tower water
选择性处理:optional treatment
水费:water costs
回用的城市污水:reclaimed municipal wastewater
工业过程:industrial processes
冷却水:cooling water
锅炉给水:boiler feedwater
灌溉回用:irrigation reuse
废水直接灌溉:direct irrigation with wastewater
低负荷土地处理系统:low-rate land treatment system
间接灌溉回用:indirect reuse for irrigation
废水排放:wastewater discharge
雨水回用:storm water reuse
可回用水:reusable water
投资成本、投资费(用):capital costs
建设成本、建设费(用):construction costs
运行成本、运行费(用):operating costs
能耗成本:energy costs
运行维护:operation and maintenance
运行控制:operational control
控制系统:control system
仪表、控制系统:instrumentation / control system
自动控制系统、自控系统:automatic control system