? PREPOSITIONS - at on in/since for/during while

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  • at: Specific.
  • on: 1 day, 1 date.
  • in: month, year, season, century.
Example / 举例
  1. We could meet at 3:00.
  2. See you on Friday.
  3. I will be graduating from this university in May.


  • since: + point(9:00, March, 1995)
  • for: + period(5 minutes, 5 decades)
Example / 举例
  1. She's been working here since 2018.
  2. I've lived here for two years.


  • during: + noun(this week, this meeting)
  • while: + verb(watching TV, I was watching TV)
Example / 举例
  1. I was busy during the day.
  2. The phone rang while we were sleeping.

12 Confusing English Verbs

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Bring this over here and taking this over there.

Example / 举例
  1. Could you please bring this gift to our teacher for me?
  2. please take this over there.


When we hear something, it just means some auditory information is coming through our ears. listen means we are paying attention to something. When you use "listen", you should add the "to" end of the "listen".

Example / 举例
  1. Did you hear that sound?
  2. Please, could you be quiet? I's just trying to listen to the news.


To remember just means don't forget. But when you remind, you tell someone else or you help someone else not to forget.

Example / 举例
  1. Remember to drink eight glasses of water a day
  2. Please remind me to call John.


Lend or Borrow?
Lend or Borrow?

Example / 举例
  1. I borrow some books from the library.
  2. The library lends me textbooks.


Example / 举例
  1. Come here! I want to show you something.
  2. When are you going there?


When we use "spent", it just means the feeling is more neutral or positive. But "wasted" means some thing is useless, it's negative.

Example / 举例
  1. I spent lots of money on my car, because I really love it.
  2. Don't waste your money on that movie. It's really bad!

Talking about FAMILY

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The favorite/favourite is the child in the family or the person in the family that the parents like the best.

A daddy's girl is a girl or woman who has a very close relationship with their father.

The black sheep of the family is the person in the family who has embarrassed the family, or who is a troublemaker in the family.

Sam gets along with his sister. This means Sam and his sister have a good relationship.

The breadwinner is The person in the family who earns the most money.

"Diabetes is a disease that runs in the family." This means Many people in the family have diabetes.

A stay-at-home parent is someone who stays with the kids, takes care of the kids, and doesn't work full-time outside the house.

A mama's boy is a boy or man who has an unhealthy relationship with his mom. Specifically, he is too dependent on his mother for everything. Some people use this as an insult.

Take after means to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character.

The baby of the family is the youngest in the family.