? “THANKS”: 5 Common Expressions

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Thank you.

Usage: We use "thank you" when someone helps us or does something for us.

Example / 举例
  1. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thank you for the gift.
  3. Thank you for coming to my party.
Tips / 提示

When always use:

  1. You're welcome.
  2. It's no problem.

to answer the "thank you".


Usage: Sometimes, we want to speak a little bit more informally, especially if we're talking with our friends or family. So, another way to say "thank you" is to say "thanks".

Example / 举例
  1. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for your help.

Warning / 注意

You should never use it in writing business emails, because it's informal.

Thanks anyway.

Usage: we use "Thanks anyway" or "Thanks anyways" when we ask someone for help, but they can't give us the help that we need.

Example / 举例
  1. When you are in a supermarket.

    • You: Hi, I'd like to buy some apples. Where are the apples?
    • Waiter: Sorry, we're out of apples. No apples today.
    • You: Thanks anyway.
  2. You are talking with your friend Jill.

    • You: Can you drive me to the airport?
    • Jill: I can't. My car is at the mechanic.
    • You: Thanks anyway.
Tips / 提示

What's the different between "Thanks anyway" or "Thanks anyways"?

"Thanks anyway" is more formal. But "Thanks anyways" is more slang.

Thanks though.

Usage: we use it when someone want to help us or do something for us or offer something, but we don't want the help or the offer. This is a polite way to express I don't need your help.

Example / 举例
  1. When you are in your office.

    • Mickey: Can I buy you coffee?
    • You: Thanks though.
  2. Your friend Barbie wants to invite you to the beach.

    • Barbie: I'm going to the beach, want to come?
    • You: I have my work. Thanks though for the invite.
  3. Your friend Tony wants to invite you to dinner.

    1. Tony: Can I give you a hand with dinner?
    2. You: It's already cooking. Thanks though.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Usage: It has multiple meanings.

  1. Impolite: strong rejection.
  2. When telling a story to show strong rejection.
  3. You're not interest.
Example / 举例
  1. When someone want to play a trick on you.

    • Jack: I cooked a dish with insects. want some?
    • Thanks, but no thanks.
  2. When you want to complain that your teacher assigned too much homework during the holiday.

    • My teacher wants us to study on the Spring Festival. Thanks, but no thanks.
  3. Your mother want to give you some salad.

    • Mother: Yacan, do you want a little bit more salad?
    • Yacan: Ugh. Thanks, but no thanks.

? Top 10 Important Phrasal Verbs for Your Daily Routine

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sleep in

Usage: When you stay in bed latter than usual.

Example / 举例

On the weekend, I sleep in until 11 am.

get up

Usage: When you start to leave your bed.

Example / 举例

I get up at 7 am to take my dog for a walk.

head/go out

Usage: When you start to leave your house.

Example / 举例

I head out at 8 am and go to my office.

go in

Usage: When you return your house.

Example / 举例

Last night, I went to a party and I got in at about midnight.

heat up

Usage: When you want to make food becoming warm or hot.

Example / 举例

At lunch, I take my lunch out of the refrigerator, I go to the microwave, and I heat up my lunch.

work out

Usage: It means going to exercise.

Example / 举例

I worked out almost every day when I was in my university.

warm up

Usage: It means that you do some light exercise to prepare for an activity.

Example / 举例

I warm up before working out.

meet up

Usage: It means that you meet your friends informally.

Example / 举例

I meet up with my friends at a cafe.

tidy up

Usage: It means organizing your things in the right place.

Example / 举例

Your room is so messy, and you must tidy it up before our friends come to visit.

?️ 6 ways to pronounce ‘-OUGH’ words in English

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Tips / 提示

How to learn wards pronouncing ‘-OUGH’?

  1. Google pronunciation.
  2. Just learning key words.

how to pronounce bought
how to pronounce bought



Usage: "bought" is the past tense of the verb "buy". It speaks liking "bawt".

Example / 举例

I like to buy books. Yesterday, I bought a book about American history.


Usage: "taught" is the past tense of the verb "teach". It speaks liking "tawt".

Example / 举例

Yesterday, I taught some students English grammar.


Usage: "fought" is the past tense of the verb "fight". It speaks liking "fawt".

Example / 举例

Knights fought in armour.


Usage: "thought" is the past tense of the verb "think". It speaks liking "thawt".

Example / 举例

Yesterday, I thought about some questions about English grammar.


Usage: "sought" is the past tense of the verb "seek". It speaks liking "sawt".

Example / 举例

Yesterday, I sought about some questions about English grammar.

Tips / 提示

This is a bit of formal word. We use it more less in our daily life.


Usage: "ought" means "should", but it's not a such common word.

Example / 举例

You ought to help your mother doing some housework.


  1. though
  2. although
  3. thorough(thur·ow)
  4. dough(dow)
Tips / 提示
  • thorough: When we doing some things thoroughly, it means we do them very carefully and diligently.
  • dough: When we make the bread or cookies, we often talk about dough. It's the bread or cookies before we bake it.


  • tough
  • enough
  • rough



Usage: Some where has a long time no rain.

Pronunciation: drowt.

Example / 举例

There is three month no raining. It's so drought.


Usage: It's framing word. It's a type of machine we use on farmland. It speaks liking "plaw".

Example / 举例

We always use ploughs to make our farmland becoming more loose.



Usage: A cough is a reflex action to clear your airways of mucus and irritants such as dust or smoke.

Pronunciation: kaaf.

Example / 举例

Are you sure you don't want to take a chest X-ray?" she inquired, followed by a strategic cough.

? Tricky English Question Structures

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Example 01

  • You like pizza, don't you?
  • You don't like pizza, do you?

Warning / 注意

It's very important for you to understand what the meaning of the question is, not the structure of the question.

You just answer the question "Do you like pizza", it's OK. Answer the meaning of the question, not the two verbs inside of it.

Example 02

  • Question: Would/Do you mind if I smoked?

Your answer is "Yes"(you mind smoking) or "No"(go ahead, I don't care about smoking).

Example 04

Are you in? - means are you interested, do you want to come or do you want to join us?

Example / 举例

Someone suggests a few of us are going to the bar for some drinks. He/she will ask you a question "Are you in"?

Are you into ...? - When you want to give more information, you can use it.

Example / 举例

Are you into coming to the bar with us?

Are you down with ...? -

Example / 举例

Are you down with putting in $5 to buy lottery tickets?

Are you cool with ...? - means are you agree with that ...?

Example / 举例

I'm going to take your homework and give it to the teacher, are you cool with that?

? Avoid these mistakes talking about money

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Money is uncountable

Warning / 注意

The first thing that we should know is that "money" is a uncountable noun, so we should never use an "s" on the word "money".

In English, we can count dollars, cents, euros, bills. But "money" is a category, we can't count "money".

Pronunciation: muh·nee

Some usage about money


  • [ ] Money;
  • [x] Monies;
  • [ ] Much money;
  • [x] Many money;
  • [ ] dollars;
  • [ ] cents;
  • [ ] Pesos;
  • [ ] Euros;
  • [ ] bills(paper money).


  • [ ] A lot of money;
  • [ ] earn a salary/money;
  • [x] win a salary/money.

Something about money

  1. mortgage: mor·guhj(Don't pronounce the "t")
  2. bought: bawt(Don't pronounce the "gh")
  3. budget: buh·juht(Don't pronounce the "d")
  4. cheque/check: chek

Making a killing

"Making a killing" means somebody earns a bunch of money.


"Currency" should only be used in some situations where we are talking about money from other countries.


  • "Spender" is a person who like to spend money freely.
  • "Saver" is the opposite of "Spender", and is one who likes to save their money.

Cost an arm and a leg

When we say "cost an arm and a leg". It means something is really expensive.

Warning / 注意

You should never use "cost a leg and an arm".

? 8 common ways to describe your coworkers

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A coworker or colleague means somebody you work with.

Positive traits


"Go-to" means somebody who are most reliable or knowledgeable in your office.

Example / 举例

She is my go-to when I need help.

Going places

"Going places" means somebody who is probably to be very successful in the future.

Example / 举例

Alain is going places.

Team player

"team player" means somebody who cares about the other members of you team, and focus on helping everyone.

Example / 举例

Shelly is a team player. I really love doing project with her.

Work wife/husband/spouse

"Work wife/husband/spouse" means a coworker you are very close to.

Example / 举例

She is my work wife.

Negative traits

Not pulling his/her weight

"Not pulling his/her weight" means a coworker who isn't working hard. As result, other members of you office should work harder.

Example / 举例

Becky is not pulling her weight here. She's lazy.


"Slacker" means somebody who is very lazy and doesn't work hard.

Example / 举例

Becky is a slacker. She's lazy.


"Two-faced" means somebody who appears one way when they talk to you, but then they do something differently when they talk to other people.

Example / 举例

Watch out! Peter can't be trusted. He is two-faced.

Stress case

"Stress case" means somebody who always panics or overreacts.

Example / 举例

Jenny is a stress case. She has called me 8 times since lunch.

?️ Silent Letters in English: The 10 Most Common Errors

silent letterswordstranslationpronunciation
pspsychologyn. 心理学;心理;心理特征;心理影响sai·kaa·luh·jee
psychiatristn. 精神科医生;精神病学家sai·kai·uh·truhst
knkneeln. 跪
vt. 跪;跪着
known. 知识;知晓,知情
v. 知道,知悉,了解
knifen. 刀
vt. 用刀伤害(或杀害)
knockn. 敲击;撞击(声)
v. 敲;击
wrwritev. 写;编写;写信rite
wristn. 手腕;腕关节rist
warpv. 弯曲;(使)扭曲,变形/ˈwɔɹp/
wrestlen. 搏斗;摔跤;力战
v. 摔跤;奋力对付;努力处理
hhourn. 小时;约一小时的时间au·ur
honestadj. 诚实的,老实的
adv. 的确,确实,真的
honorn. 荣誉;荣幸
v. 尊敬;尊重
dgjudgen. 法官;审判员
v. 判断;断定;认为
pledgen. 誓言;保证;抵押
v. 抵押;保证给予(或做)
dodgen. 推脱的计策;逃避的诡计
v. 闪避;躲开;避开;闪开
tfastenv. 系牢;(使两部分)扎牢fa·sn
listenn. 听
vi. (注意地)听;听从
balletn. 芭蕾;芭蕾舞团/ˈbæleɪ/
buffetn. 自助餐;(火车)饮食柜台
vt. 对…打来打去;将…推来搡去
adj. 快餐式的
mbcombn. 梳子;篦子;压发梳
v. 梳,梳理(头发)
climbn. 攀登;攀缘
v. 攀登;(尤指吃力地向某处)爬
lambn. 羔羊;小羊lam
thumbn. 拇指thuhm
lkwalkn. 步行;行走;散步
v. 步行;走;行走
talkn. 交谈;谈话;讨论
v. 说话;讲话;谈话
chalkn. 粉笔chaak
folkn. 人们;各位;大伙儿;亲属;家属fowk
tlecastlen. 城堡;堡垒ka·sl
whistlen. 哨子;口哨
v. 吹口哨;打呼哨
mncolumnn. 柱;(通常为)圆形石柱kaa·luhm
autumnn. 秋,秋季aa·tm
hymnn. 赞美诗;圣歌(尤指基督徒唱的颂扬上帝的歌)him
solemnadj. 冷峻的;表情严肃的;庄严的saa·luhm