
Accumulation of Learning English [02]

Okay, as I mentioned earlier, if I become a professor at a university, the university will give me an apartment. So Buying a house isn't a problem for me. Once I have enough money, I will build a house in my hometown. My homwtown is in a quiet mountain village. In my hometown, the sky is blue, and the air is clean. I never choose to buy an apartment at big cities, because if I do that, I should battle against pressure from the mortgage. To my mind, life is short, I don't like to live difficultly.

I have been studying away from my hometown since I was a seven-year-old kid. So I spend more time in school than my home. Throughout my childhood, I rarely communicated with my parents, who should spend time with me. Maybe my parents aren't good listeners. But I am really thankful that they brought me up.

This weekend is Mother's day. I hope my mother can forever young.

My family members are my parents, my grandma, my sister, and me. My hometown is in the countryside. My father is a driver. My mother is a full-time mom, because my sister is in middle school, my mother should take care of her.

As far as I'm considered, I think good parents should know how to be good listeners to their kids. During the period of growth of children, they will encounter tons of difficulties that require their parents' help to conquer. To my mind, parents should be good listeners and support their kids when kids encounter failures and setbacks.

Last week, my university announced that we would inject vaccines to protect us from Covid-19. So we injected vaccines one by one on the day before International Labour Day. When I was preparing for the injection, the vaccines were out. So the doctor postponed the injection. The vaccines are free, the government will pay for them. My country has better medical policies comparing to some other countries. It gives individuals a strong sense of security. In the present day, we can go anywhere in my country. Moreover, everyone has the right to freely inject vaccines.

When you want to have a travel or just take a business trip. It is very easy, you just need to go to a railway station or airport. You should measure your body temperature and show your QR-code when you are passing security checks. This QR-code can prove you haven't gone to high-risk areas before.

When I should attend to do something, I think the vitally key factor is that I should be interested in this thing. As far as somebody is mentioned, the interest is the first teacher for you to study. If you don't have an interest in doing something, you might always want to sit on the sidelines. However, if you are much of a fanatic about something, you will always want to get into the game.

Another vitally critical point is that we need to shield children from domestic violence. To my mind, during a child's growth period, they are always curious about everything in this world, and it is very normal for a kid to make mistakes or failures. So I think we should give kids more encouragement to help themselves improve.

In the present day, our country has a thriving economy. So, actually, every subject can have a bright future. The most popular major is computer science. However, I wouldn't advise you diving into this profession. Because there are tons of individuals in this major. If you also do that, you should battle against the pressure from innumerable elites. It is a competitive landscape, you should compete with a great many rivals.

The salary is very low in your country. However, you have a flexible work pattern. If you get tired one day, you can choose to cancel your lessons. The happiest thing is that you are able to stay with your family every day. On the other hand, if you work in China, you can have a higher level of salary, because my country is developing so fast. And trust me, I think you will love my country. The individuals in my country are more kind than in some Western countries. Moreover, China can give you a strong sense of security.

Both my father and mother are good cooks, and they always enjoy the cooking process.

The prime motivation for me to become a Ph.D. is that house prices in big cities are extremely expensive. If I only have a master's degree, I might be able to find a decent job, but it wouldn't pay me enough to afford an apartment.

Two weeks ago, my old cell phone had some problems. its battery became more and more nondurable. I should always have to charge it. So in that week, I bought a new smartphone from an online market, and it made by the Samsung company. It looks nice and the Android operating system is very fluent. What I'm looking forward to most is that it can use 5G.

When I was a kid, the cell phone signal in my hometown was very poor, you always had to drop calls. Because my hometown is in a rural area. But if you were in a big city, you can get a better signal. In the present day, you can use 5G in many cities in China, and it is very fast. However, there is a vitally important factor is that you should change your cell phone contract before you use 5G, and you should choose a contract that best fits your present needs.

There are three carriers in China: China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. You can consider your need for data and texting, and then choose a fitting contract.

When I was a seven-year-old boy, my parents brought me to another city because they wanted me to get a better education. Since that year, I returned home on a monthly basis. Life during that period was extremely tough. In my childhood, I was always too shy, so I didn't like to communicate with my classmates and teachers. I always felt alone. However, I overcame it, in order to that I wouldn't like my roommates to think that I was an aloof and indifferent person. This experience taught me a lot, it made me dependent and I can have positive traits. When I became a teenager, I was able to adapt to all sorts of strange situations. I really appreciate this experience and my parents.

However, if I had a kid in the future, I wouldn't do that forever. As far as I am considered, raising children is not a walk in the park. You would have to spend tons of time and money on them. In my opinion, if you want to be a good parent, you should first become a good listener.

The weather in my city is really making me stir-crazy this week, it's very hot. I think maybe I have seasonal affective disorders. Only when air conditioners are turned on, I can rejuvenate or refresh, leaving me happier and more energized. If I don't turn on the AC, I always toss and turn restlessly. But some people don't have the same opinion as me. They think the weather in the summer is gorgeous because they can go out and soak it up while they can. More importantly, some scientists suggest that socializing and exercising can really boost your mood, so people can reap the benefits from it.

When I was a seven-year-old boy, my parents brought me to a city far from my hometown, because they wanted me to go to a good school and get a better education. Since this year, I returned home on a monthly basis. I was living in my school's dormitory. Life during this period was extremely difficult for me because I was always so withdrawn and self-contained. I didn't like communicating with my classmates or teachers. However, I thought I should change myself in one day because I didn't want my roommates to think that I was an aloof and indifferent person. I started to force myself to interact with my classmates gradually.
When I became a teenager, I was much of an extrovert. I was able to adapt to all sorts of strange situations. In my spare time, I preferred with my classmates or friends and had some fun together. In this process, I reaped the benefits from my friends, they made me have positive traits.

About this question, I think it depends on the situation. When I am in some strange situations, I am always an introvert. However, I know it's very bad for my social interaction. So I sometimes will force myself to become an extrovert. To my mind, everyone likes an outgoing person. If you can have a sense of humor, it will help strangers relax, and you can communicate with them more easily. The people who talk to you will leave a great impression on you.

OK, this is my answer to that question. Thank you for listening!

Maybe I can tell you guys a story. When I was a sophomore, I had a classmate who came from Ghana. Ghana is a small country in southern Africa. Despite having different languages and different cultures, all of my classmates liked to interact with him. The vitally key point why he could have tons of friends is that he was always kept smiling and humorous. In our class, he was a social butterfly. The Weather in the summer was very hot, I didn't like to go out where didn't have an AC. But he always said: 'The summer is gorgeous, let's go out and soak it up while we can!'. At that moment, I could begin to understand why he is so black.

In my laboratory, my teacher is a demanding boss.

Computer science is a fast-paced industry. If you want to dive into it, you should always bury yourself in computers.

In my daily life, I think I am much of a perfectionist. I used to get frustrated when I felt I wasn't meeting my standards. When I am stuck in a rut, I always get worried and nervous. I know it's largely self-induced, and it will take a toll on my mental and physical health.

In my laboratory, I am surrounded by tons of high-achieving group members. Sometimes I have feelings of inadequacy. I always want to force myself to become better. I am maxed out by research experiments and English papers.

I attend seminars and read industry-related books which help me build self-assurance. In my opinion, my support networks, like my family, my teachers, and my colleagues, can really help me stay grounded.

As I mentioned earlier, I am a postgraduate student at an institute. My institute is far from my hometown, so the only chance for me to return home is the Spring Festival. In my daily life, when I miss my family, it is easy for me to have video calls with my family members at any time no matter where I am. And in my hometown, I have tons of close friends who are worthy of my trust. So I can stay in touch with my friends through browsing social media such as WeChat Moments.

With the development of technology and the internet, the prices of cell phones and other smart devices are becoming extremely cheap. Every family hopes smartphones can become learning tools for their children because they want their children to learn more knowledge about the world around them. However, smartphones are a double-edged sword. In my mind, most children don't have the ability to control themselves on screens. They always want to bury themselves in phone games or other things. It's distracting for children. And it really takes a toll on their mental and physical health. We should shield children from harmful information on the internet.

As I said earlier, I am a postgraduate student. My main job is to assist my teacher to do research experiments. In my daily life, I should use computers and the internet every day. An affluent computer operating system with fast internet speeds can really make me efficient. When I want to do some research or experiments, I should use my computer and have access to the internet to find out what pioneers did in this research direction. On the other hand, I can use the internet to use many websites to improve my spoken English.

One month ago, my old cell phone had some problems. Its battery had become non-durable. So it should be charged frequently. Two weeks ago, I bought a new phone from an online shop, and this phone made by the Samsung company.

Charming Cities: Shanghai

Shanghai is a city where East meets West.

Architecture, cuisine, entertainment ant arts.

local delicacies: 当地美食(delicate: adj.精致的,娇贵的;delicacy: n. 精致,美食) = local special food

hole in the wall restaurant: it's a small and not decorated nicely. And it doesn't look so nice, but the food tickle your fancy.

swanky: over-the-top fancy. eg: He is a swanky boy; This is a swanky restaurant.

Entertainment industry

dip your toes into: give something a shot.

make your toes curl: something is really disgusted to you.

Shanghai is a charming city where West meets West. There are tons of tourist attractions and local special foods. In addition, it also has a thriving entertainment industry and many swanky restaurants. If you want to travel to this city and you don't have enough money, your best option is to go to "hole in the wall" restaurants, these restaurants are small and not decorated nicely. However, the local delicacies in there will tickle your fancy. If you have never been there, you can dip your toes into it.

Telling your happiness

For myself, I think the most happy thing is that my parents brought me into this wonderful world in my hometown. My parents gave me life and a healthy body. So I can see this gorgeous world and enjoy myself. At this moment, I am in a big city. Moreover, I must find a decent job in metropolis in the future. However, I will never forget my hometown, my family and friends. My hometown is in the countryside. In there, the sky is blue, the air is fresh. When I return home, it gives me peace of mind. In the future, when I have enough money, I never choose to buy an apartment in thriving cities because if I do that, I will have to battle against the pressure from mortgages. I am glad to build a house in my hometown so I can use my own yard to plant flowers and trees. In addition, there are tons of close friends who are worthy of my trust.

With the development of technology and science, the prices of smart devices are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Currently, it is easy for us to use cellphones to communicate with our friends and family members who are far from our own. I can give you a example about myself. My university is far from my hometown, so the only chance for me to return home is the Spring Festival. When I miss my family, I can use my smart phone to make video calls with them. Moreover, I can get in touch with my friends through browsing social media such as WeChat Moments. I feel really cheerful when I see my friends' happy moments on WeChat.

As I said earlier, I am a postgraduate student at an institute. In my laboratory, my professor is a demanding boss. He always commands me to do arduous work almost every day. I barely have any leisure time left in my daily life. Secondly, in my research group I am surrounded by a great many high-archiving co-workers. I am much of a perfectionist, so I used to get frustrated when I felt like I wasn't meeting my standards. If we always have stress in daily life, it will take a toll on our mental and physical health. In these cases, watching movies or listening to music is a good way to make me relax. It can give me peace of mind. If I have enough time, going to the gym or jogging with close friends can make me get rid of pressure.

Hello, teacher. Long time no see. How about you recently.
Last week my grandma got sick so I returned to my hometown on high-speed rail.
She was getting better off.
Last week you told me that your husband had a high fever, so how about your husband?
How about the COV-19 in your country recently.
Please take care of yourself and your family.




coping mechanism

In my daily life, I am always a perfectionist, so I used to get frustrated when I felt I wasn't meeting my standards.

You should get rid of your negative behavior because it will take a toll on your mental and physical health. You should rectify it and reinforce your positive traits.

If you spend too much time on easy, low-priority work, it will give you a sense of instant gratification and doesn't help you accomplish your long-term goals.

In my laboratory, my professor is a demanding boss, and I am surrounded by tons of high-achieving group members. In my opinion, if I want to leave there alive in the future, I should study how to alleviate stress or depression and nip this problem in the bud.

I hear you.
I can see where you are coming from.

The point in controversy is not whether we should do it, but whether we can do it.

My inability to speak English is an obstacle to applying for a Ph.D. overseas.

Last week one of my close friends announced that he was engaged to be married in October of this year. So in October, I will be returning home to attend his wedding.

The self-image is our own conception of the "sort of person I am." It has been built up from our own beliefs about ourselves.


Breaking the law

Job hopping

My teacher is a demanding boss who always commands us to do arduous tasks almost every day. I really want to find something more flexible. I hope I can have more autonomy.

In my laboratory, we work overtime without money, and everyone in my research group wants to get pay bumps.

Special autonomy regions(SAR): There are a lot of areas in China that are self-governed although they are controlled by the central government. They have certain rights and privileges that autonomy grants them.

As I mentioned earlier, I really want to study for a Ph.D. overseas. I know exactly what I want to be doing five or ten years down the road. I will stick it out until I get it.

I want to learn spoken English. I hope my pronunciation can become more authentic, and I can get more oral expressions. When I am applying for a Ph.D., if I can speak English fluently, I can get the edge over other candidates filling positions there.

How the Internet Changes Our Lives

In my opinion, information technology is a fast-speed industry. If you want to dive into this landscape, you should always bury yourself in a computer. Moreover, you should spend tons of time sitting in a chair and looking at screens. It really takes a toll on your physical health. However, computer science is a thriving major, if you can specialize in this subject, it's easy for you to find a satisfying job and get a decent salary.

When I was a sophomore, I really wanted to study computer science. In China, you can change your major when you decide to study for a master's degree. So when I was an undergraduate, I always wanted to change my major when I became a postgraduate. In my university life, I spent a lot of time studying programming and learning about computers and the internet.

In the present day, the internet has completely changed our lives. In our daily life, we can use smartphones and computers to do many things. For example, we can use our cell phones to make video calls with our families when we are far from our hometown.

There are countless applications that are available on the Google Play Store. We can download anything that we want to own. WeChat is a must-have app, and we can use it to communicate with our close friends. Additionally, it can be used to pay utility bills, it's very useful and convenient. Moreover, another important function for everyone is WeChat moments. You can get in touch with your friends by browsing social media.

The vitally crucial point is that we can get up-to-date information all the time when we use the internet.

About this question, I think the internet is a doubt-edged sword. Currently, every family hopes their children can get a better education through studying on online. So they will choose to buy some smart devices for their kids to study. However, most teenagers fail to have the ability to control themselves by wasting time on screens. There is a great deal of fake news on the internet. As adults, we should shield children from this terrible information, and help them get rid of them. Because it really take a toll on their mental health.

Almost everyone uses social media-such as WeChat moments, Facebook and Instagram-to share and receive updates, but this information might fall into the wrong hands. So I think we should be cautious about the personal information we share online. Safety and digital footprint should be the utmost priority.

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